Thursday, May 8, 2008

2 days away!

Joe left last Saturday and we have been finishing up a few things here prior to our departure.
To use an overstated metaphor and mix it up in strange ways, we are in the tunnel and the light is beginning to blind us. Wednesday I finished up my spring semester classes at UNCCharlotte. As I walked from Colvard to the Cone Parking Deck I felt lighter with every step. I knew that one more goal had been accomplished prior to leaving.
Today was “Beginner’s Day” for rising kindergarteners at Francesca’s elementary school—Sharon school. It was great, she was very excited but when it came time to separate the kids from the parents, she kept a stiff upper lip when I know she wanted to have a melt down like the little girl sitting next to us. One more goal accomplished prior to leaving.
Tomorrow is Francesca’s last day ever of preschool. She has had wonderful teachers this year and our entire experience at Charlotte Jewish Preschool has been phenomenal. To celebrate the last day, Francesca will be bringing cupcakes.
Tomorrow will also be a continuation of this afternoon with chores such as straightening up the house (i.e. clearing it of a week’s worth of preparing for the end of semester clutter) and a little light yard work.
Saturday our friend Russ will be taking us to the airport and it is on to Jesi Italy in the Marche! The next posting will be from there, expect pictures, hopefully interesting anecdotes and for more in-depth food information link over to Joe’s blog. He already has some amazing pictures and commentary of 3 days of school.
We will miss our friends, colleagues, and neighbors, but this is one of those experiences that one should not dream about, but do when the best possible opportunity presents itself.

1 comment:

krazynski said...

looking forward to hearing Italian "out of the mouth of the Babe" love the blog love you all